About Wang's Farm
It’s taken some time, but we’ve finally started our farm. Actually, I think it started to become a real farm when we got our chickens. But, now that we have our goats, sheep, and ducks, it’s started to FEEL like a farm!
We purchased our 100 acre piece of land in 2015. It took a lot of effort before we were ready to do anything with the property, and then we decided we were ready to build an enclosed area just for animals. This was not an easy process, as we lived in Toronto at the time, and we had to build everything from scratch ourselves. We faced quite a few obstacles along the way, but finally, by the end of 2016, we were ready to move into our farm with a newly renovated house!

We started off with only the house, a long gravel driveway, and a small shed which houses our electrical and water systems. The remainder of our property was basically a “blank slate” consisting of overgrown hay fields,
So far we've built dog houses, farm barns, and trying to develop an IOT intelligent farm.
Since 2017, we have been steadily working on the various elements that make up our farm. We do have a LOT of snow here in the winter (which usually starts in October), and our ground here is typically frozen until April, so we have a relatively short window of opportunity each year for our projects.
Currently we are raising and selling German shepherd puppies, chicken/chicken eggs, duck/duck eggs, and goat.